Displaying Art in a Bar: Making the Most of Opportunities
You have to plan, anticipate and ask questions, especially if you don’t get to see the space before arriving to set up. I had the chance to take some art to New Orleans recently. It was something I have been wanting to do for years. The issue was that it was one night only, in a bar, and I had no idea what to expect.
I started with lots of questions with the organizer. Poor young lady. Just a senior at Tulane, she was used to other young folks who were inexperienced and just happy to have a space to show their college portfolios…not a surly, 40 year-old, stressed out stranger from San Antonio who was questioning everything.
After getting the info on the barricades we would have at our disposal, I sketched this up:

And here are some pics of how it turned out:

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*photos by Carl Bordelon