Nintendo Thumb: Searing Pain, Sensational Fun
2014 • 17.5″ x 36.5″
acrylic, spray paint on used fence pickets
There was once going to be a “gamer” themed group show at a relatively well known gallery in San Antonio. I was creating this when I found out it was going to be moved to a grungy independent coffee shop/art studio/gallery in an “emerging neighborhood”. I bowed out, not wanting to do group shows in coffee shops at this point in my career.
Still, I was stuck with this piece, a bit of a departure from my usual work. I like it though. Any GenXer like me can relate to the feeling of bruised thumbnails from pounding that old school Nintendo controller too hard, for too long.
This is one of my favorite pieces because it evokes to those who know, a very distinct feeling and memory of our GenX childhood. I sold it for a song to a guy in Houston, who has since married and probably forced by his wife to pitch it.
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