Hopeless Cases and Good Graces

So I got this commission. Not just for a painting but for a custom niche wired with electricity and anything else I could convince them was necessary. I could have worked some plumbing into it perhaps but no, just the tiles and electricity.

They were interested in a slightly irreverent religious painting of their favorite saint, St. Jude. He needed to be holding their favorite tequila and a High Life, offering them to the viewer as if he recognized YOU as a lost cause in need of a beer and a shot.

I did some research on the worship (adoration is thinly veiled idolatry, let’s not kid ourselves) of St. Jude in Mexico. There is a church in Mexico City that features the image of Jude over a field of blue and white tile, so I figured the niche could have some tile of its own. Many tiles were considered. The sugar skulls motif can be overdone and a bit obvious for applications such as this, but damn it if these didn’t have just the right about of high contrast patterning without being too busy.

Not only did I mock up how the assembled painting look on the tile, I designed the niche to fit the tile without the need for cutting. I also diagrammed the wiring for it to be lit from above and a socket to power the flicker flame light bulb on Jude’s head.

I spent some time reading about St. Jude and how in Mexico he isn’t just associated with lost causes, but because he a lesser saint often confused with Judas, he is said to be a better advocate for juvenile delinquents and criminals who need a saint who will pray extra hard on their behalf. All of this made me think that St. Jude might have a little attitude, with wry smirk and raising an eyebrow as if he knows what a fuck you can be. The face I’m painting a mixture of random internet images, Danny Trejo, Russel Brand and Jesus. In fact the robes and hair are just a painting of Jesus. I turned the regal red robes green, superimposed a rich paisley pattern on the green and added a Jesus medal on a *bling*bling* gold rope chain.

All told I think I photoshopped together about 20 different elements to create the collaged comp you see here. Two hands, shot glass, the logo on the shot glass, the beer, the body with the left arm rotated a bit, the medal covering up the original’s sacred heart, the gold rope chain, Danny Trejo’s face with a less prominent brow, some other guy’s eyes (all Christian saints have to have blue eyes) and parts of Russel Brand’s beard…as well as the halo, bulb, bird, fire and rays. And let’s not forget the parting clouds. It’s a very complicate piece that highlights so much of what I learned as a good Catholic School boy.

As they say, “Progress Over Perfection.” But I hate it when they say that even if it’s true.

So all I really have left to do is the top of the bottle and the face and there is always another pass necessary to get all the details just so. I just spent an hour touching up the Jesus medal a little bit. After all that I’ll just need to put it together.

The thought of painting that face has me shook. I’m a little worried about getting the expression just right. I guess faces with character and lines and shadows are easier than smooth soft faces. If so, then Danny Trejo’s modified mug should be a breeze.

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Acrimony and Cheese II – Revisited and Improved

Food and booze ideas, both old and new, seemed ideal for the Pancakes and Booze shows this fall in AustinSan Antonio and Houston. Here is another idea that I wanted to revisit.

Moe Profane Painting titled: Acrimony and cheese

This piece was always a hit…for 7 years now, and yet was always brought home after so many shows. It is big and expensive and let’s face it, I didn’t paint her very well. I’m not sure too many people realized it, but a few did. I think others just intuitively knew something was off about her face. I mean, I used to blow up the contrast of photos in order to capture the lights and darks of a figure and not worry so much about all the million gradations, allowing the image to blend with the textured background.

I always seem to fall back into a habit of trying to reproduce all the details of what I’m painting and some pieces just call for more concrete figures. In “Acrimony” the image of the lady I was referring to was crap and so…I reproduced it as crap. Also I wasn’t spending enough time honing my illustrated angels and devils.

I’m not sure why I was falling into that trap over and over. I just had this drive to go fast and didn’t give them enough attention. Slicker illustrations or even leaving them out altogether was the greatest opportunity for improvement over the years. I had already come a long way in a brief time when I made this piece, but I had a long way to go.

Redoing this idea is worth the effort and you can get an idea of how it will looks as a layered cut out piece. Nevermind that I’m leaving out the angel and devil. I think there is a place for them in specific types of work but I don’t need them everywhere. They aren’t exactly universally appreciated. It never hurts to mix things up and feel like I need to include a worn out bit in everything I do.

I’m taking the table from the original piece, cutting it out, adding a right side to it. I’ll be painting the rest from scratch…as there really isn’t anything else that doesn’t need to be improved upon. I still remember sitting and painting the portraits of the crock pot, brick of Velveta and its foil wrapper. I don’t want to do that again.

Progress pics on the way.

Here is an update to the original comp. I had realized that I didn’t have the bottom of the table in the original piece. Adding the right side with the Rotel would be easy enough but adding bottom wouldn’t work. So I needed to cut it off with a new visual element. Words are always fun! But any time you do something to a composition, it sends ripples across it throwing everything out of balance. I fixed this by losing the rooster trivet. I angled the curtains in to make them more dynamic and added a garland. Boom. Is it better or worse?

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Holy Guacamole (Delayed Gratification): Revisited and Improved

So I’ve decided to bring along some old and new food and booze pieces to Pancakes and Booze shows this fall in Austin, San Antonio and Houston. This one needs to be redone though.

Delayed Gratification taco time finished painting.

Delayed Gratification: Taco Time piece was done before I put much thought into layering levels. Also, while people were enjoying the familiar old praying men, they weren’t digging the clock so much. So I cut off the clock and made the men and their meal separated and ready for more to be added.

So then I asked myself, “Self, what could I add that will help make the piece more relatable”

I wanted something to better connect with viewers and make it generally a better piece. I contemplated on just what it could be the men are praying for. Ideas of abuelas and pin up waitresses were considered. But then keeping with the prayer theme, why not add a Mary in their shared “thought could” offering to theme he only thing that’s missing on their tacos? The best of all condiments and something that is becoming more and more expensive. Avocado! Something worthy of prayer. And who better to ask than Mary?

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Thorny Snoots and Cactus Fruits: Weird Shit Cows Eat

Making this for Pancakes and Booze shows this fall in Austin, San Antonio and Houston. The name of the show doesn’t mean in any way that I need to paint about food and booze, but it just so happens I do that a lot anyway. Well, why not make the first of my Prickly Pear Series incorporate a little delicious ice cream?

We all love the ice cream and go knows the prickly pear deserves respect for all it has done for the people that have inhabited this part of the world for so long. Here is an altar of sorts to them both. Let’s see how it come alive when I paint it.

But wait! An update…I thought cow heads to match the rams in Prickly Beers and Ram Tears would make some sense, and it really fixes the weird spaces created where the bowl and placemat intersect.

ADDED BONUS: having the candles overlapped by a painted element is an exciting new thing I haven’t done in these wall altar pieces.

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Fruity Beers and Ram Tears: Weird Shit Goats Eat

Making this for Pancakes and Booze shows this fall in Austin, San Antonio, and Houston. So if I was already doing a piece featuring Prickly Pear ice cream, it seems obvious that this show would need one about Prickly Pear beer as well.

I’m from the mid-west and when I first heard people ate cactuses I was all, “shut up!” Then the idea of them producing sweet tasty fruits was a shock as well. Now putting them in beer? Weird. Taking the better National Beer of Texas and mixing it with a fruity flavor is weird. It is a shock every time I taste it, but you know what? It works. So shut the hell up.

Now where can I find prickly pear colored candles!?

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