If things we don’t need but really like are going to be more expensive, tough shit.

Y’all have to know the pressure America has always put on brown people around the world to provide us with this unsustainable standard of living.

I’m not in favor of how Trump is handling this shit nor his motivations in doing so, I’m just saying. We aren’t owed all this relative luxury our country is flooded with and while we may enjoy it, it comes at a cost.

Maybe just consume less, live simple and fucking vote next time.

Photo Credit: https://easy-peasy.ai/ai-image-generator/images/unsustainable-cityscape-environmental-destruction-overdevelopment

Posted by Dick Van der Wurst

Having descended down into South Texas through the Hill Country one day long ago, Dick never claimed to be Texan, but his German heritage and love for tacos is something he shares with the inhabitants of the region. Having earned an MFA from Miami University, OH, he spent the worst years of his life up north, maturing artistically and refining an Iconoclasmatic Pop Art™ style shaped by his experiences as a recovering Catholic, cancer survivor and optimistic existentialist. He lives and works in his humble turquoise studio-home (Dick’s WurstHaus Art Shanty) near downtown San Antonio.