Nihilism and Nanner Pudding: A Popular Favorite
2014 • 54.75″ x 31″
acrylic, spray paint on used fence pickets
The whole idea behind the concept of making paintings that highlight our use of food and the celebrations they’re tied to as a distraction to our existential angst came from a comment I made about art shows being essentially a “self doubt and cheese cubes” scene. So as I continue this series it is only fitting that I name my solo shows the same way.

My point of view often borders on the nihilistic, and this attitude often informs much of what motivates me to create imagery. That a show of mine would feature a heavy dose of this outlook is a safe bet and since this major work featured banana pudding, I knew I should serve some at the reception of the June, 2014 Moe Profane solo exhibition at Redbud in Houston.
Here we see the sad emo kid perked up a bit at the promise of some homemade nanner puddin. On his shirt is a fitting banana related nihilistic assertion credited to Mark Ruffalo describing acting.
This painting was sold and moved to New Orleans by its owner where it currently hangs proudly in her home.
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