FUBAR: Wrenches Tossed Into The Gears of Modern Life

2014 • 30.25″ x 11.5″
acrylic, spray paint on used fence pickets

Fucked up beyond all recognition! Who better to say this than the much maligned accordion player? A couple against a cityscape looking up and presumably reacting to a shocking image in the sky. The acronym a nod to the computery origin of the images themselves.

This is from a series created from imagery derived solely from pictographs found in my collection of wingding and dingbat computer fonts.

Starting from a large selection of these symbols and shapes I made associations and pairings to match preconceived ideas or allowing them to inspire their own themes.

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STFU: Urgent Screams Into The Abyss To Quiet the Noise

2014 • 30.25″ x 11.5″
acrylic, spray paint on used fence pickets

Shut the fuck up! Who better to say this than the much maligned accordion player? A couple against a cityscape looking up and presumably reacting to a shocking image in the sky. The acronym a nod to the the modern, digital origin of the images themselves.

This is from a series created from imagery derived solely from pictographs found in my collection of wingding and dingbat computer fonts.

Starting from a large selection of these symbols and shapes I made associations and pairings to match preconceived ideas or allowing them to inspire their own themes.

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I Should Post Here More Instead of Stupid Facebook

Tossing free content onto Facebook for immediate gratification. I’ve been told that is dumb. Why not post on the blog and use facebook to promote it? I doubt anyone would care. But I guess it can’t hurt to keep trying to build up content on here and see if I hit critical mass. I have had a decent amount of sales off people finding this site on the googles.

This blog post makes some compelling arguments. Maybe I’ll go through facebook, mining my deeper thoughts and repost on here? This I think is the most compelling point it makes:

Blogs benefit from SEO efforts, which help pull in more traffic from Google and the other search engines. Facebook is largely not indexed, or not searched high up on the ranks without special filters to search specifically through the social network, so the content you post directly on the site is much less valuable.”

It’s 2014, let’s see how this goes. That’s a lie, I’m updating this 08/20/2020 as I go through old posts and update them to work on my new wordpress theme. Anyway, if I do blog on here and then share the posts on facebook, at least I won’t get so many timeouts for calling out rednecks and crackers.

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Guilty Diversions & Soap Ad Conversions: Bread Sale At The Circus

2013 • 58.5″ x 42″
acrylic, spray paint on used fence pickets

The basic idea for this painting came from my Dad’s old quote about the nonsense people put up on television to distract us, “They’re just trying to sell soap.”

I wanted though to combine an individual’s state of mind with the reality of of the situation that I do in many of my works. When we consume the “news” we are giving ourselves over to “guilty diversions” but what they’re doing is offering up entertainment as a vehicle for the ad impressions upon which the business model is built.

The metaphors aren’t too tricky. I made this for a group show themed on our news media. This piece is a little bit more of an editorial cartoon than I usually do.

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Decline of the Bourgeois: Media Consumes Us Like Fire

2013 • 42″ x 51″
acrylic, spray paint, fabric on panel

It is often said that people with subversive ideas are more fun than those trying to maintain the status quo. Others, whose meritless influence may be waning, long for yesteryear, bemoaning the decline of morality in America, blinded to all the social injustices and high crime rates of the “good old days.”

This imagined decline in morals often coincides with the decline in power and influence of those on top of the plutocracy. “Decline of the Bourgeois” satirizes the notion that subversive cultural influences can lead us on a path of destruction when in reality it seems the most controversial subject matter keeps the zeitgeist trending toward greater empathy and acceptance.

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Hair Sweaters and Highballs (Primavera): A Promising Sign of Spring

2013 • 48″ x 18″
acrylic, spray paint, fabric on panel

Throughout art history, seasonal themes have evoked not only death and resurrection and pagan imagery of classical antiquity that have continued to be a part of our seasonal holidays today. I this version, I have added some personal associations born of a neighbor who welcomed spring weather with a bare hairy torso, wandering the sidewalks with a highball in his hand.

Subjective associations are highlighted as well by the rubber spring symbols at his feet.

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The Emperor is Speaking in Tongues: Easy Bullshit Recognition

2013 • 48″ x 18″
acrylic, spray paint, fabric on panel

This piece equates the pretentiousness, hypocrisy, collective denial, and hollow ostentatiousness satirized in the Hans Christian Andersen’s “Emperor’s New Clothes” with the phenomena of “speaking in tongues” in Christian churches. Like the townsfolk in the tale, believers play along with the pretense not wanting to appear unfit for their positions or stupid.

Wikipedia offered some insight into the satire of the classic story, saying it:

…quite clearly rehearses four contemporary controversies: the institution of a meritocratic civil service, the valuation of labor, the expansion of democratic power, and the appraisal of art.

Folk and fairy tale researcher Maria Tatar points out that Robbins indicates the swindling weavers are simply insisting that “the value of their labor be recognized apart from its material embodiment”, and notes that Robbins considers the ability of some in the tale to see the invisible cloth as “a successful enchantment”.

This could be a satire of modern art and consumerism in general. We all tend to suspend disbelief when we begin to accept the artificial worth of objects that have no intrinsic value…much like we have to be taught to appreciate the power of symbolic meaning in general or any specific religious doctrine.

The story and this piece represent a situation where “no one believes, but everyone believes that everyone else believes.”

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Middle Path and Pickled Peppers: Remarkable Moderation, Avoiding Extremes

2013 • 33″ x 42.5″
acrylic, spray paint on used fence pickets

This is a second attempt at portraying the Buddha bottling up the extremes of good and evil, maintaining The Middle Way:

The Middle Way…implies a balanced approach to life and the regulation of one’s impulses and behavior, close to Aristotle’s idea of the “golden mean” whereby “every virtue is a mean between two extremes, each of which is a vice.

I added alliteration and food reference to make it even more fun. Incorporating the pepper imagery with the Buddha allow me to make this piece look like a product label or old sign graphic. Medium strength peppers reference the spicing up life with just a little kick but not enough to make your scalp sweat.

Next up perhaps is a piece about Aristotle and The Golden Mean:

In philosophy, especially that of Aristotle, the golden mean is the desirable middle between two extremes, one of excess and the other of deficiency. For example courage, a virtue, if taken to excess would manifest as recklessness and if deficient as cowardice.

Socrates teaches that a man “must know how to choose the mean and avoid the extremes on either side, as far as possible”.

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All of the Credit, None of the Blame: Authentic Relativism

2013 • 60″ x 33″
acrylic, spray paint on used fence pickets

When tragedy happens, why do we find so many people thanking God that it wasn’t any worse? All of the credit – none of the blame? Good work if you can get it.

I’m not questioning God’s will, his power or even his existence with this piece. I’m questioning the egotistical belief that we have a gift giving invisible sky daddy and the shithead externalization of all blame towards the boogeymen from which He protects us. I may be comforting to a child to put a face on all the scary things that we can’t understand or control, but how can any adult settle for what is little different from the ignorant imaginings of scared cavemen explaining away the thunder.

We should take credit when you can, accept the blame when you must and get used to the fact that the universe doesn’t give a fuck about you.

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White Jeezus and Waffl Fryz: The Ultimate Combination

2013 • 55″ x 33″
acrylic, spray paint on used fence pickets

I have long had issues with to Chick-fil-a. First because in the early days, it was only available in malls, and fuck going to malls. Then I found out that they were not open on Sunday. Sunday is just an arbitrarily chosen day that is different than the day the Jews observed. Why even bother? Fuck them. They would have me not able to buy chicken on Sunday exactly as I can’t buy liquor. Only later did all that anti-gay legislation stuff come out. That was just the icing on the cake and not even the subject of this piece specifically.

Because I associate such irrational fundamentalism with the egocentric worship of a mythical, blonde haired, blue eyed, virgin born god-man from the middle east, I chose to show the Chick-fil-a mascot cow proselytizing this naive belief, similar to the done-to-death ads with childlike cow writing used to promote eating more chicken. And of course what do they do while selling us their version of Christianity? They offer waffle fries on the side.

What would White Jesus eat?

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