Photoshop collage mockup of Relativistic Selfie 1 featuring a high angle selfie with prominent cleavage, grackle and cactus with an arrow pointing to the cleavage and bird poop in her open palm. Relative Sexiness of High Angle Cleavage Selfies January 25, 2024 - What is up with all the high angle pics certain women post on social media? I understand that it's a simple trick to make yourself look more attractive, but why are we not more self aware that we are blatantly trying to obscure our true selves? So high angle pics make you look more attractive… (read more)
Blue Martini (2011) Something New? Time For A Change December 21, 2022 - So have the fence pickets, low end lowbrow stuff run its course? Or am I just painting the wrong things on it? I think I'm too tight on a surface that is too unforgiving. Am I getting ready to leave Texas for Illinois and need to switch to something more vertical (Chicago) and horizontal (prairie)?… (read more)
Toxic Masculinity: A photoshop collage of a painting I will do. New Big Idea: “Toxic Masculinity” (working title) August 31, 2021 - So it's been a while since I started hearing about this. It finally bounced around in my head long enough for it to work its way back out again as a kernel of an idea. It's pop culture. It's fraught with emotion, pain, ignorance, smug indignation and denial. In other words, it's perfect fodder for… (read more)
photoshop collage comp for future painting titled Mimosas and Mea Culpas Mimosas and Mea Culpas: Numbing Big Regrets From Last Night August 16, 2019 - Waking up full of regret and shame, filling up with more of the booze that got you there. (read more) Virgin Butterworth: Revealing the Madonna Archetypes All Around Us August 10, 2019 - Making this for Pancakes and Booze shows this fall in Austin, San Antonio, and Houston. Had a short list of virgins I wanted to do anyway. This was one of them. The showed vaulted this vague nugget of a concept to the front of the line. So I found a picture of an old bottle… (read more)
Revisiting Great Ideas: A Better Version of “Angel’s Share and Devil’s Cut” May 17, 2019 - This will be a redo of a poorly executed attempt from when I was first getting my profanity up on its legs. I don't even have a photograph of the original. It's a clever idea, I just wasn't killing it yet back in 2010, living alone in San Antonio, making art furiously for my first… (read more)
God: All The Credit and None of the Blame May 1, 2013 - Why are there no hymns of blame? Why do we hear people thanking God for the happy accidents and praying for his help during avoidable disasters? I'm not faulting anyone's need for meaning. I'm not begrudging anyone for wanting there to be a plan behind the workings of the cold random uncaring universe, but just… (read more)
New Work Concept Exploration: Ennui Au Jus November 3, 2012 - I have begun working on this new work. "Ennui Au Jus." We’ve all heard about combining food with other pleasurable sensory experiences like cheese and art shows, prime rib and strippers, sex and pastrami, so why not combine delicious food with a debilitating existential crisis? Nothing in the world is quite so awful as boredom…I'm… (read more)
Sedimentary - Rock Quarry (2012) Quickly Kicking Off The Unparalleled “Sedimentary Series” May 26, 2012 - "Apologist Accepted" 2010 Since buying the desert camouflage fabric and coming up with the idea for "Apologist Accepted" (right), I've been interested in the logical absurdity of the Young Earth creationist knuckleheads. Ignoring the fact that it is evidence-based fact derived from observations and experiments in multiple scientific disciplines that the universe has existed for… (read more)
Harbingers Series: A Special Gift for the Angel Worshippers May 19, 2012 - No matter what the subject there lies a very fine line between archetype and cliché. This is never more true, and that line any thinner than when dealing with angels. Perhaps the very idea of angels is cliché and childish, leaving very little room, if any, to represent them in any way that isn't cute,… (read more)

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