Just Live a Bit More Simply, FattyFebruary 4, 2025-If things we don't need but really like are going to be more expensive, tough shit. Y'all have to know the pressure America has always put on brown people around the world to provide us with this unsustainable standard of living. I'm not in favor of how Trump is handling this shit nor his motivations… (read more)
Big Giant List of IdeasJune 28, 2020-This is a live working list. I'll be making notes and checking things off and adding more ideas as I go forward. One at a time I will pluck an idea off of here and create new post about what I plan to do, what I'm doing, and how it all worked out when it's… (read more)
Prickly Pear Series: Cultural Significance of the Incredible Edible CactusAugust 7, 2019-Opuntia, commonly called prickly pear, is named for the Ancient Greek city of Opus, where, according to Theophrastus, an edible plant grew and could be propagated by rooting its leaves. Prickly pears are also known as nopal from the Nahuatl word nōpalli for the pads.Wikipedia knows all the things. As I ramped up my renewed, grown up, adult period of art making as Moe Profane,… (read more)
Pancakes and Booze: Promising First Step into Austin Art Scene?August 4, 2019-Batter sizzles, beer foams, and canvas lines the walls from ceiling to floor as hundreds, if not thousands, of revelers indulge in endless pancakes. You had me at Pancakes and booze! I like both of those things! AND since so much of my work already has food and booze at its subject matter, this is… (read more)
Nihilism and Nanner Puddin: A Big Hit with the Houston PressJune 30, 2014-My 2014 Houston show is home again in San Antonio. What's left of it. I sold a few. Meh, I'll take it. I hear there was a buzz about it from other artists and people from Houston and others who were visiting got a big kick out of it too. As for press, I got… (read more)
I Should Post Here More Instead of Stupid FacebookMarch 13, 2014-Tossing free content onto Facebook for immediate gratification. I've been told that is dumb. Why not post on the blog and use facebook to promote it? I doubt anyone would care. But I guess it can't hurt to keep trying to build up content on here and see if I hit critical mass. I have… (read more)
Time For Revisiting Less Successful WorkAugust 2, 2013-Deadlines are great. They make me more productive than any creative itch possibly can. The trouble is that getting into a rush prevents me from stopping to really look at a piece as the idea is developed and guide it toward a more pleasing conclusion. The good news is that you now have a work… (read more)
Existential Dinner Party Revisited: Distress, Diversions and Comfort FoodDecember 21, 2012-"Self Doubt and Sauerkraut" - 2012 version My "elevator speech." for this series has been lacking, I recently realized. People see the food, they see the ubiquitous devil and angel, the distressed individual, and they ask, "What does it mean?" I'm not interested in applying secret meanings postmortem, but I have thought more about how… (read more)
Displaying Art in a Bar: Making the Most of OpportunitiesNovember 4, 2012-You have to plan, anticipate and ask questions, especially if you don't get to see the space before arriving to set up. I had the chance to take some art to New Orleans recently. It was something I have been wanting to do for years. The issue was that it was one night only, in… (read more)